
Taste Joy Again

Written by DEPENDABLE STAFF | Aug 15, 2023 4:37:08 PM

We love the food industry for the flexibility and fast-paced environment. But like any public-facing job, it can be downright grueling.

Pair long hours with financial woes, employee drama, and (sometimes) unsavory customers, and you have a recipe for foodservice burnout. But there you are, still serving, day after day.

So, how to taste joy again?

We all feel foodservice fatigue from time to time. That’s why it’s important to reconnect with the passion that originally landed you in this industry. It’s been there all along—but you need to keep feeding it!

Here are some great tips for reigniting your service spark.

Enforce breaks. Food servers, hosts, managers, cooks, bussers, and the business owners themselves are notoriously overworked. Make sure that you’re taking regular breaks to recharge your mind and body—and ensure your staff do too. Everyone will be infinitely happier and healthier.

Eat family meals. And by family, we don’t just mean your next of kin! Sitting down with your employees and serving them the occasional meal is not only great for team morale. It’s also a satisfying opportunity to test out new recipes, receive genuine feedback, and show them that you care about their wellbeing.

Talk to customers. As a universal language, food brings communities together. Chatting with patrons will remind you of how much your business is appreciated, and how much your food is craved. All too often, we find ourselves communicating with disgruntled customers (as opposed to delighted ones!).

Keep learning. Taking formal classes or just reading about the latest food trends helps garnish your skills, build your confidence, and rekindle your passion. Of course, your friends at Dependable can help with all of the above! Continuing your education is a great way to bring joy back to the table.